The Economic Benefits of Implementing a Smoke-Free Law in Ellisville Mississippi

The potential economic costs associated with not implementing a smoke free law in Ellisville Mississippi are significant. Not only would citizens be exposed to second hand smoke which can cause illness and premature death among non smokers but there would also be an increase in maintenance costs due to property renovation and fires attributable to smoking as well as an increase in health care costs related to SHS. In addition, there could be a decrease in revenue for low income individuals who rely on tobacco purchases as a substantial portion of their income. These economic costs can be avoided if comprehensive anti smoking legislation is implemented along with evidence based quitting resources for those who wish to quit.

It is clear that implementing a smoke free law would have numerous benefits for Ellisville Mississippi citizens both economically and health wise. By protecting citizens from exposure to second hand smoke while they frequent or work at restaurants and bars as well as providing evidence based quitting resources for those who wish to quit will help maximize these benefits. The current study found that banning smoking in all U. S.

government buildings is official policy. Websites ending in .gov or .mail are federal government sites, and it is important to make sure you are on one of these sites before sharing sensitive information. This study calculated the annual economic costs to society that could be avoided by banning smoking throughout the U. S.

Exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) caused by burning tobacco products causes illness and premature death among non-smokers.1 With the increase in the number of U. states banning smoking tobacco in enclosed public places, private environments contribute relatively to the total burden of SHS,12 This may be particularly true for residents of multi-unit housing, where SHS can infiltrate smoke-free living units from smoking units and areas shared, 3—6 In addition to Health care costs related to SHS and smoking in multi-unit housing can result in overspending due to property renovation and fires attributable to smoking, 7,8Estimated annual cost savings associated with the prohibition of smoking in U. subsidized housing, by type of cost, have been calculated. Concerns have been expressed that anti-smoking policies in subsidized housing may exacerbate socioeconomic disparities by negatively affecting low-income individuals revenues and displace residents who refuse to comply.

20 However, these policies prohibit the act of smoking, not the occupancy of units by people who smoke. In addition, research suggests that these policies do not lead to an increase in voluntary tenant turnover in subsidized housing and may, in fact, help motivate smoking cessation and reduce cigarette smoking. 29 Residents who quit smoking in response to smoke-free policies would likely experience better health and save costs by reducing the use of health services and the purchase of tobacco, the latter of which may represent a substantial portion of the income of low-income smokers, 30 These benefits can be maximized if the implementation of the policy is accompanied by the provision of evidence-based quitting resources to residents of subsidized housing, 20,22Comprehensive anti-smoking legislation and the shift of smoking to young children's homes in Hong Kong would protect all citizens from exposure to second-hand smoke while they frequent or work in restaurants and bars. The effect of the smoke-free work space policy on exposure to second-hand smoke in restaurants, bars and nightclubs in San Juan, Puerto Rico has been studied.

We also examined the association of a state law on smoke-free bars and restaurants with respect to employment in North Carolina. Reduction in the incidence of acute myocardial infarction in the first year after the entry into force of the public smoking ban in Graubuenden (Switzerland) has been reported. Third, the study was unable to differentiate between costs due to second-hand smoke and residual pollution from tobacco smoke, or third-hand smoke. Results In West Virginia, anti-smoking laws were associated with a significant increase of approximately 1% in restaurant employment.

The regression coefficient for this variable represents the change in sales per capita after the application of the anti-smoking law.

Delores Clower
Delores Clower

Beer guru. Infuriatingly humble pop culture advocate. Unapologetic musicaholic. Typical tv maven. Devoted internet trailblazer.